Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe every person who follows Jesus is called to live a life on mission. While some of us are called to travel long distances to serve, we know ordinary people following Jesus can make a difference wherever they are in life.
No matter what your life may have looked like in the past, we know you have a unique opportunity to serve others and share the Gospel with them based on where God has you right now.
No matter what your life may have looked like in the past, we know you have a unique opportunity to serve others and share the Gospel with them based on where God has you right now.

Join The Unleashed Missions Team
Local Missions
We believe in local missions and that we were meant to impact the community in which God has placed us. We have partnered with incredible local organizations to serve our community. Through our partnerships we had out food every Friday morning to anyone in the community that is in need, we also open our Food & Clothing ministry on Sunday mornings. We collect and provide back-to-school supplies & shoes to students that need them. The Sunday prior to Thanksgiving we provide a large Thanksgiving Meal to the community and through our partnerships we provide a Community Christmas to help provide shoes, coats, a hot meal, and a gift to families in need. Here's a list of some of our partner organizations: Interfaith Community Services, Tierra Antigua Hope Foundation, The Lot and Caring Ministries).

Jesus said that we are supposed to be His witnesses all over the world. At Unleashed we believe in being an active part of Global Missions. We are currently partnered with an incredible church in Nogales Mexico (Iglesia Biblica De La Comunidad). Through our parternship, we provide food weekly to families in need and we do once-a-quarter building/construction projects. This is such an incredible opportunity to love our neighbors to the south of us and show them the love of Jesus.